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The following links and videos are small sample testimonies of the many thousands of people healed from all over the world by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. You will not find this level of instant miracle healing with new age, psychics, shamans or in the name of Muhammad, Krishna or Buddhism.
The following links and videos are small sample testimonies of the many thousands of people healed from all over the world by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. You will not find this level of instant miracle healing with new age, psychics, shamans or in the name of Muhammad, Krishna or Buddhism.
It's all happening in only one name,
the name of Jesus Christ!
the name of Jesus Christ!
John Mellor - Healing Ministry
Amazing miracle healing
documentaries on video here,
medical record verified!
Indian Girl fully healed of terrible skin disease
For there is no other name given under heaven, by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12)
Numerous healings of all kinds are presently taking place thru "Little Treasures Orphanage" Ministry in Pakistan. Violet and John continue to share these miracles from their facebook page here.
From obscurity to filling arenas, her ministry has exploded almost overnight by the power of God through numerous healings.
Christ gives Muslim man his hearing back.
after 22 years paralyzed.
Hospital Doctor tells all
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." JOHN 3:16
Time is almost up. Jesus is coming soon.
Do not miss the Resurrection!
Prophecy Sites - watch for a US revolution soon, into WW3, then the Resurrection.